Posts by category: Politics

  • June


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FBI Expert Analyzes Body Language of Biden and Trump in Debate

A former FBI agent interprets the body language of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump during a recent presidential debate. The analysis reveals unspoken messages and emotions conveyed by their gestures, movements, and expressions, offering a deeper understanding of the candidates' true feelings and perceptions.

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  • June


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Sokoto Assembly Considers Law to Restrict Sultan’s Authority Amid Controversy

Sokoto State House of Assembly is moving forward with a bill to limit the Sultan's powers, requiring government approval for appointments. Allegations suggest plots to depose the Sultan, but the State Government denies any changes to the traditional ruler's laws. The controversy has sparked concerns from Nigerian Muslims and Vice President Shettima.

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  • June


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Kenneth Okonkwo Expresses Displeasure with Labour Party, Contemplates Departure

Nollywood star and Labour Party leader Kenneth Okonkwo voiced his dissatisfaction with the Labour Party regarding its commitment to Nigerians. Okonkwo is considering leaving the party, possibly returning to the APC, after being at odds with the re-elected party chairman Julius Abure. He stressed he wants to be in a party that prioritizes the welfare of Nigerians.

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  • June


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President Tinubu's Minor Slip at Democracy Day Celebration Raises Public Concerns

During the 25th democracy anniversary in Nigeria, President Bola Tinubu, aged 72, stumbled while mounting a vehicle at Eagle Square in Abuja. Aides quickly assisted him, and he resumed his duties. The incident sparked mixed reactions, reflecting ongoing public concern over his health, which was a contentious topic in last year's election.

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  • June


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Giorgia Meloni's Triumph in EU Election Boosts Her Influence in Italy and Europe

Giorgia Meloni's far-right Brothers of Italy party secured 28% of the votes in the European elections, strengthening her influence domestically and in the EU. The party's success, coming at the expense of her partners like Salvini’s League, positions Meloni as a significant European player. Her party is projected to win between 23 and 25 seats in the European Parliament.

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  • June


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SACP Voices Strong Opposition Against ANC Coalition with DA and MKP

The South African Communist Party (SACP) has declared its opposition to an African National Congress (ANC) coalition that includes the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MKP). The SACP favors a minority government with national unity features and rejects the participation of neo-liberal forces, primarily represented by the DA.

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  • June


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Claudia Sheinbaum Elected: Breaking Barriers as Mexico's First Female President

Claudia Sheinbaum has become Mexico's first female president, winning nearly 60% of the votes. She has a strong background in energy and environmental issues and is known for her work in women's rights. Her election marks a significant step for Mexico, but she will face challenges including high rates of femicide and overall violence.

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  • May


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Independent Electoral Commission Refutes Vote Rigging Claims, Denounces Intimidation of Officials

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has refuted vote rigging allegations by the MK Party in KwaZulu-Natal and condemned threats against its officials. IEC Deputy Chief Electoral Officer Masego Sheburi confirmed police involvement and promised updates. The MK Party previously raised concerns about election integrity.

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  • May


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Iran Commemorates Late President Raisi Amid Political Uncertainty Following Tragic Helicopter Crash

Iranis preparing to lay late President Ebrahim Raisi to rest at the Imam Reza Shrine, following his tragic death in a helicopter crash. Raisi's funeral has seen a subdued public response, possibly reflecting sentiments towards his presidency. His passing comes at a critical political moment, leaving a gap in leadership ahead of the upcoming presidential election.

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