Posts by tag: Kenya

  • May


  • 5

Kenya's Muguka Ban Spurs Potential Coastal Sports Renaissance

Kenya's new legislation banning the use of Muguka, a commonly used stimulant, is stirring different reactions among citizens. However, sports communities along the Coast are hailing the move as a critical turning point. The stimulant's adverse health impacts have hampered athletes, but the ban is poised to revitalize sports talents and enhance overall athlete health in the region.

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  • May


  • 5

Kenya Intensifies Efforts on Menstrual Health Amid Global Menstrual Hygiene Day

On May 28, 2024, Kenya reaffirmed its dedication to enhancing menstrual health in alignment with Menstrual Hygiene Day. The commitment comes as part of a broader initiative to ensure that women and girls across the nation can manage their menstruation with safety and dignity. Despite progress, challenges continue, and comprehensive measures include improved education, access to products, and waste management.

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  • May


  • 5

United States to Designate Kenya as Major Non-NATO Ally, Enhancing Strategic Ties

The United States plans to designate Kenya as a major non-NATO ally, highlighting the strategic partnership between the two nations. This formal recognition will afford Kenya special privileges such as access to U.S. military resources and priority in the allocation of defense equipment. The announcement comes during Kenyan President William Ruto's visit to the U.S. to discuss pivotal issues, including the Kenyan-led mission in Haiti.

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